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Volume 10, Issue 9
Sep 2015

Development for Whom? A Socio-Psychological Perspective

Social Sciences and Humanities Journal (SSHJ), Volume 10, Sep 2015

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Since the inception of early civilization, man has been striving for better life style and making his life more comfortable. In search of which he has altered the nature and this desire has compelled him to proceed on the road of development. In the era of rapid industrialization consciously or unconsciously he unscientifically utilize the natural resources and resulting into the major problems of 21st century including environmental pollution and global warming on the one hand and creating more problems to the human beings by ignoring human dimensions. Hydroelectric power development is one such developmental initiative which is sine-quo-non of any development and necessary to achieve desired goals of any society or any economy. But such developments at what cost? This question has been analaysed in present paper. The present paper is based on micro study, exploratory in nature, conducted in 22 villages by dividing in 5 research clusters and interviewing 200 respondents in NHPC owned Chamera-I power project. It is an analytical analysis of deprivations received because of its construction and putting the people in psychological trauma. The impact can be divided in two broad categories; one, project affects people (PAP), who got displaced and got compensation, jobs in NHPC and resettled somewhere in the part of the district or state. The second category; who have not affected as per the revenue/policy document of NHPC and can be called as Not Project Affected People (Not-PAP). But in real sense, they are the people who are facing ill effects of this developmental activity and at present, they are dying every moment, every hour and every day and moreover, their concerns have never listened and never answered by state govt. as well as by the executors. Keywords: Development, Hydroelectric Power Projects, Displacement, Psychological trauma, PAP & Not-PAP

Author(s): Mohinder Kumar Slariya

Market Risk-Based Solvency Capital Requirement in Turkish Insurance Companies: Solvency II Application

Business Sciences and Management Journal (BSMJ), Volume 10, Sep 2015

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Solvency II is the risk-based capital requirement assessment made by insurance companies. Risk-based approach allows for the identification of the capital requirement of the insurance management in the most correct way. In this study, eight (8) insurance companies which are listed with the Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange were evaluated for their risk quantification and capital requirements with respect to Solvency II. The calculations were based mainly on the interest rate, stock certificates, real estate, credit, and foreign exchange positions of these companies. The results obtained show the risk-based solvency capital requirements of insurance companies. These risk-based solvency capital requirement amounts may assist in the identification and prevention of possible liquidity and bankruptcy issues insurance companies may be faced with.

Author(s): Ismail Yildirim, Recep Cakar

Is It An Effective Intervention To Open A Smoking Cessation Clinic In The Workplace?

Medicine Sciences and Healthcare Journal (MSHJ), Volume 10, Sep 2015

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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to identify the rate of smoking, the knowledge level of smoking employees at an airline company on health hazards of tobacco, and their motivation to quit smoking; to search if there is a relationship between duration of smoking and motivation to quit, and identify employees� level of interest to a workplace smoking cessation clinic. METHOD: A questionnaire was developed and it was sent to all of the employees through the intranet of the company. The questionnaire consisted of items on participants� demographics, their smoking status, the smokers� knowledge level on the harms of smoking, their willingness to quit smoking, and their willingness to apply a clinic on quitting smoking if any such clinic is opened at the workplace. The questionnaire results were analysed with descriptive statistics and chi-square test by using PASW Statistics 18 software. RESULTS: There were 553 responders to the questionnaire. 89.06% of employees mentioned that they wanted to quit smoking. 90.6% in total reported that they would apply to the smoking cessation clinic in the Health Department if set up. There is not a significant relationship between the duration of smoking and the wish/plan to quit smoking and applying to the clinic. Only 48 employees applied to the Clinic in 22 months. CONCLUSION: The smokers� level of knowledge is not as high as expected; some informative interventions concerning health effects of tobacco may close the gap between smoker employees and general population. No relationship is found between duration of smoking and motivation to quit. Opening a clinic inside the workplace on its own to support employees to quit smoking was not effective for creating an interest for application.

Author(s): Dr. Dijan Ertemir


Social Sciences and Humanities Journal (SSHJ), Volume 10, Sep 2015

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The concept of Central Europe had a renaissance in the 70's and 80's of twenties century, when the region's most prominent intellectuals: Kundera, Milosz Havel and others have taken on in their writings. However the years just after the fall of communism in the former Soviet bloc countries have brought loss of interest issues. Also, for the majority of Poles, especially the young, exciting and fashionable was what brought from the West, which for years was not available. History, culture, literature, the identity of nearest neighbours broke out into public discourse. Today we can see a renaissance of issues related to Central Europe. For years, on the cultural map of Poland there are two centers: Czarne Publishing House and Borderlands Sejny Thanks to them today, the latest book from the Central European countries can be purchased in bookstores. Both centers were created in small towns near the Polish border: Czarne in the Lemko village Wolowiec, Pogranicze in multicultural Sejny. Both owe their popularity charismatic leaders: Andrzej Stasiuk and Krzysztof Czyzewski. Author analyses in the paper the ideological differences and similarities of the two centers and characterizes the main elements of the concept of Central Europe.

Author(s): Marta Cobel-Tokarska

Sanctitate vernans virga Aaronis. Interpretation of the stem of lilies in the medieval iconography of the Annunciation according to theological sources

Art Studies and Architectural Journal (ASAJ), Volume 10, Sep 2015

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Discarding from the beginning, for unjustified and inoperative, the entrenched convention which interprets the lilies in the iconography of the Annunciation as a mere symbol of chastity or virginity, this article proposes two new theological explanations of such flower in that biblical image. After analyzing the leading role of the stem of lilies in ten late medieval paintings, the article proceeds to analyze many consistent exegesis by Church Fathers and medieval theologians on the miraculous flourishing of the dry staff of Aaron, exegesis which certify a consolidated dogmatic tradition over nearly a millennium. Based on such perfect exegetical coincidence of the christian thinkers on this episode of the Old Testament, our own interpretation is proposed, i.e., that in the medieval images of the Annunciation the lily stem exhibits two deep symbolisms, both christological and mariological, essentially interrelated: these lilies mean at the same time the supernatural human incarnation of God the Son in Mary's virginal womb (christological symbolism) and the virginal divine motherhood of Mary (mariological symbolism).

Author(s): Jose Maria Salvador Gonzalez


Social Sciences and Humanities Journal (SSHJ), Volume 10, Sep 2015

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Worldwide, we can observe the social organization of traditional communities into counter-hegemonic solidary networks that bring in their core the problematization of the colonial practices, disclosing the new forms of coloniality in search of legitimation and guarantee of rights in the public space. Under the colonial context of Latin America, the invention of America develops from coloniality: a logical structure of power and domination that transcends time, taking new configurations in the contemporaneity. The Postcolonial Theory defends that, for us to understand the contemporaneity, we have to problematize the notion of �cultural diversity� from the logic of coloniality as an essential matrix of power in the conception of modern world. This article targets at building a critical reflection on the traditional communities, as well as reflecting on the cultural and identity politics, from the concepts of Cultural Diversity and Coloniality. For this purpose, we carry through a close analysis of some identity policies, affirmation policies, and social programs aimed at the black and indigenous peoples in the context of Brazil. The contemporary social process creates a Third Space of identity negotiations where the translational practices become relevant within cultural production. However, an essentialist notion of culture is present and there is a need for basic redistributive policies.

Author(s): Heliana Castro Alves, Maria Inacia D Avila and Samira Lima da Costa


Social Sciences and Humanities Journal (SSHJ), Volume 10, Sep 2015

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From the concept of nation as an imagined community and a cultural representation system, this article explores the postcolonial perspective to build on reflections upon the emerging powers in contemporaneity. Indeed, from the postcolonial critique, it can be verified that the dissident discourses find paths tangential to the dominant discourse - through performative narratives - bringing to light their realities obscured in the idea of nation. In this context, the pedagogical narrative of the nation, based on a linear, historicist, homogeneous, and empty temporality, equalizes histories, generating a dominant, official discourse, and relegating the disjunctive events to the margins, where the discontinuous narratives - performative - are silenced by ideological strategies that attribute to the nation an essentialist identity. Thus, it is possible to think of the in-between occupied by these dissident discourses, and how these discourses constitute themselves as emerging powers, rescuing back into the concept and living experience of the nation the quotidian plurality from which it is constituted - a plurality that is hidden historically, culturally and politically by a dominant homogeneous discourse. In this article, starting from Homi Bhabha's concept of temporality, we shall examine the emerging powers, which manifest in four ways: the performances of the body, which destabilize the nation's homogeneity; the performative memory, which includes the Negro question in the body of Brazilian Constitution; the dissidence and social emancipation of the Romany ethnic groups, which points to a permanent fissure in the fiction of a homogeneous nation; and, finally, the social networks, which reinvent the public space of constitution of the public sphere. The article points out, thus, how these multiple dissident processes, exhibited by social movements and relations, have been calling into question the legitimacy of the monocultural, geo-delimited, and marginalizing nation's organization and its exclusionary temporal linearity.

Author(s): Claudia Santamarina, Eliana Nunes Ribeiro, Heliana Castro Alves, Luciana de Oliveira Leal Halbritter, Maria Inacia D Avila Neto

Estimulacin de los centros cerebrales del habla y el lenguaje en adquisicin de lectoescritura en nios de 4 a 6 aos

Medicine Sciences and Healthcare Journal (MSHJ), Volume 10, Sep 2015

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ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to validate a model of stimulation procedures of the brain centers of speech and language, aiming the acceleration of read-write teaching in 4 to 6 years old children in two schools of Cuenca city. It was a prospective analytical study, with quasi-experimental design. The cluster type sample included 39 children in the intervention group and 60 in the control group. The experimental intervention lasted five months comprising educational activities, the rehabilitation of individual functions, and clinical group consulting and individual control. The composition of the sample groups was based on the average psycholinguistics age (PLA) of the children. The association between variables was measured using ANOVA to compare group behavior before and after; the tTest for comparing means between groups. Previously, the homogeneity of the sample groups was determined using the Levene test. Kendal�s tau-b and tau-c were used to measure the association between the ordinal variables. A 95% confidence level was applied for the estimation of the confidence interval of the variables. The study showed an increase in the PLA average, from 4,78 to 6,11, similar to its parameters (p < 0,05), except for visual understanding (p > 0,05). However, the increase was greater in the intervention group, which benefited from the implementation of the brain center stimulation procedures (p < 0,05). The study clearly revealed that these procedures reduce the risk of reading difficulties in children (p < 0,05). Keywords: Stimulation, brain centers, psycholinguistic processing age, risks of non-reading.

Author(s): Jos Montalvo Bernal