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Teaching mathematics to engineers with Mathematica
Mathematics and Computer Sciences Journal (MCSJ), Volume 2, Aug 2017

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Over last years, increasing using of informatics tools on education is absolutely generalized, in particular, interesting mathematics software with large-scale applications has been developed. It has been proved, they are a very good help on learning not only because rapid calculations are possible, but because they let students to reach concepts in a clearer way. Moreover, in the formation of a future engineer, it is important to get him a correct and fluent interpretation of numerical results. On other hand, they should be able to design their own programs to solve problems. In this sense, using any kind of mathematical software integrating numeric and symbolic computation will be a no discussible help. In this work, academic results of students learning with Mathematica are analyzed. This software was used to teach "Numeric Calculus", an optional subject which students can choose from his second year on the university, so that, all of them have already attended to a course on Mathematics Fundaments of Engineer at his first year. The number of students was never more than twenty five in order to get a good evaluation of the efficiency of the methodology employed. The results correspond to the last five years in an Engineer School.

Author(s): Conchita Marin
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